Feliz Natal!

Door admin

Caros clientes e amigos da empresa Mercocon, O Natal de 2019 está chegando e você começa automaticamente com as últimas atividades para o ano atual. E como sempre, tem sido um pouco agitado nos últimos dias.…

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Door admin

Liebe Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Freunde der Firma Mercocon, Weihnachten 2019 steht kurz vor der Tür und man beginnt automatisch mit den letzten Aktivitäten für das nun ablaufende Jahr. Und wie immer ist es furchtbar hektisch in…

Merry Christmas!

Door admin

Dear Mercocon friends, colleagues and clients,  2019 is almost coming to an end and Christmas is already knocking on our doors. As always, the last part of the ongoing year is busy. Monthly and yearly…

Merry Christmas!

Door admin

Dear Mercocon friends, colleagues and clients,  2019 is almost coming to an end and Christmas is already knocking on our doors. As always, the last part of the ongoing year is busy. Monthly and yearly…

Merry Christmas!

Door admin

Dear Mercocon friends, colleagues and clients,  2019 is almost coming to an end and Christmas is already knocking on our doors. As always, the last part of the ongoing year is busy. Monthly and yearly…