Nota Técnica 2021.001
Please find attached the new Nota Técnica as published by the Receita Federal. The new changes should be implemented until the 5th of April 2021. For more information about these changes and how they will…
Please find attached the new Nota Técnica as published by the Receita Federal. The new changes should be implemented until the 5th of April 2021. For more information about these changes and how they will…
Seguem algumas alterações relativas a NFe e NFCe que conseguí identificar nos arquivos anexos: 1- NT 006 de 2020Trata-se da criação de novos campos e novas regras de validação para operações com intermediador ou agenciador…
Please find attached the new Nota Técnica as published by the Receita Federal. The new changes should be implemented until the 5th of April 2021. For more information about these changes and how they will…
Please find attached the new Nota Técnica as published by the Receita Federal. The new changes should be implemented until the 5th of April 2021. For more information about these changes and how they will…
Please find attached the new Nota Técnica as published by the Receita Federal. The new changes should be implemented until the 5th of April 2021. For more information about these changes and how they will…